Reputation Management Questions That Online Marketing Companies Answer

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By Arthur Williams

There are many factors that go into one's purchasing decisions, but among the most important is an online reputation. Any online marketing company will agree that if someone researches a business, only to come up with few positive results, purchases may be less likely to come about. With that said, reputation management can have a considerable impact on one's public images. Here are some of the most important rep management questions that should be asked.

"What is reputation management, anyway?" According to reputable authorities such as, reputation management is the process by which information is changed or corrected in order to influence one's perception. What this means is that if someone looks up a positive review of a product, their chances of buying said product will increase. This is a general overview that your local online marketing company can provide.

"What marketing services play into reputation management?" Yes, there are numerous marketing services that play into reputation management of the highest level. One of the most important is content creation, which makes sense given how much of a role it plays in SEO. The higher a piece of positive content ranks, the more that it will help public perception as a whole. This is just one of the services that should be implemented.

"In cases where false, negative reports are seen, what should be done?" Your best bet would be to file a report, which should be easy enough. From there, you'll most likely have to provide evidence that will help your case. Depending on the site where you see a negative report, it could take some time for the removal process to be finalized. If you follow the site's rules, more likely than not, the false report will be taken down.

"What about other negative links? Can I get those taken down?" If you're talking about non-news stories, it can be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to have them removed. As a matter of fact, this lends credence to the adage, "once it's on the Internet, it's there forever." Your best bet would be to have these links pushed down to page 2 and beyond on Google searches. This can be done with the services mentioned earlier, so implement them as soon as possible.

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