Strategies Of Facilitating Generosity Among Students

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By Daniel Ellis

Some people live in marginalized regions in the world, and they require assistance for survival. Apart from different donor and charity organizations that have come in handy in solving this situation, much efforts should be inducted in solving the crisis. Therefore, students and other school going children should not be left behind in this philanthropic call. Below are ways for facilitating generosity to students.

Introducing student journals in school is one of the effective ways of making them understand the need to give. Ask them to be writing anything they are grateful for on every single day. Through writing, they will become conscious of their surrounding and get to know its meaning. Having acknowledged the good things that are happening to them, they will be eager to inspire others through the journals. Comparing these notes will assist them in realizing that the kind of needs other students have.

Pennies may be little for people living in the developed world, but it can save a lot for people living in the developing regions. Suggesting a day within the school calendar where the parents and the students will bring a penny as part of their generous gifts to children living in the marginalized area may be a good method of generating funds. Through the exercise, they will learn important lessons of giving out the little they have to needy people.

Another ideal way of fostering giving among the school going children is a collection of food. The students can very well serve a community by collecting different items for a diaper bank or food banks. Note very family can afford all the meals enough for their children daily and feeding the kids for a day in a year can bring joy to them. Find out what the local food needs to know the foods that will be needed during the donation.

In the television and other channels of news coverage, several humanitarian organizations have conducted a donation campaign for certain people in a given region. Inviting people from these charity organizations to share with the students the experience of the people being donated for will make them know what it means to donate. They will endeavor the art of giving to their adulthood.

Creating awareness on how to become generous is important. This will evade the notion where most people believe that donations ought to be made in cash. Let your students know that donations can be obtained through material and financial support. However, for needy families living close to the neighborhood, a visit to the families can be a good way of showing how generous you can get.

With the evolving technology, donations can be asked for and collected through the internet. As a school, you can decide to include a theme on your website with detailed information on how you want to donate to a given home or community. You will be amazed by the number of people who will yield to the call.

As a school principal or manager, when organizing events for student donations, it is important you give directions on what should be brought. Bringing clothes, grains and toiletries are preferable. Ensure that the students participate in the whole process to digest on the importance of being generous.

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